Woa, Look at this splendid denim dress.
"Image: Denim Dress, made from 41 pairs of Levi 501's. Jeans were originally made to be a long lasting workmen's uniform, since becoming a fashion garment they are discarded long before their use is over."
Levi's have always been my personal favourite denim brand -even when I was younger. And this dress is one of the most unique dress i've ever seen.
I adored the transition between the colors, they made it even more glittering and eye-catching.
Also congrats to the model, that dress doesn't seem easy to be worn.
thanks to: www.treehugger.com/.../
So, I assume you all know the Icelandic singer Björk with the odd taste of fashion.
She was spotted in New York recently with this denim dress. I mean, if she's wearing, there must be something good with them. Look at her leggins, her litte so cute hand-bag, her I'm-an-alien-looking glasses, but oh no, the shoes look so bad.
Thanks to: denimhunt.com
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